Adult Classes

Our recreational adult classes programme offers evening and weekend classes for students aged 18+ in a range of circus disciplines. We teach aerial and ground-based disciplines, upskilling classes, specialist workshops, and more. You don’t need any previous experience – we have classes available for all levels!

All our adult classes follow the school timetable, with breaks at half-term, Christmas, Easter and Summer. Booking information for our adult classes will be online a month before the start of the next block.

Pricing update:

Please note that for classes starting from 1st January 2024, full-price fees for all of our classes will be increasing by £1 per hour.

This is the first price increase we have made in over 5 years. We know how tight family finances are and we kept prices down as long as we could. But we are a Registered Charity and like every other charity or business, we have experienced huge increases in our costs over the last 2 years and have to generate more income to help offset these. Thank you for your continued support and understanding.