Donate and Help Support us achieve even more

Do you want to support Circomedia as we strive to make circus and physical theatre more accessible, and push the boundaries of circus training and performance?

Your gift today will support innovative collaborations which increase access to circus and physical theatre. You’ll inspire the next generation of circus performers, and provide help and support for emerging artists.

As you may know, Circomedia is a registered charity (1056852) with a small core team and limited resources. Like many small arts charities, the COVID-19 crisis impacted heavily on our resources, and we continue to ask anyone who is in a position to do so to consider donating to us, in order to support our work in the community and in the arts, now and in the future. Thank you.

Our supporters

Circomedia is supported by the Arts Council England as a National Portfolio Organisation. 

In 2024, we are grateful to have received funding from:

Nisbet Trust, whose funds go towards our support for neurodiverse students and the emotional and mental health of students.

Quartet Foundation who fund many of our Youth Circus bursary places.

Leche Trust and Garrick Charitable Trust who are kindly funding the creation of our 2024 Winter Show commission.

Did you know you can raise free donations for Circomedia when you shop online?

Simply use the EasyFundraising app whenever you’re shopping online. Easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won’t cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. By shopping with EasyFundraising, you’d be giving us a gift every time you treat yourselves or your loved ones! You can sign up at