We currently have no vacancies.

Equal Opportunities 

Circomedia is committed to equality of opportunity and encourages applications from individuals currently under-represented in the arts from African & Asian diasporas, who identify as LGBTQ+ and those with ongoing health conditions, disabilities and different abilities. 

We recognise that having varied perspectives, experiences and skills will make us stronger and our work more impactful and creative. We understand some people may not apply for jobs unless they meet all the criteria. 

We base all our recruitment on merit and potential so if you’re excited about working with us and think you have most of what we’re looking for we look forward to hearing from you.

If you require information about any of our vacancies in an accessible format, please email recruitment@circomedia.com and the recruitment team will be happy to assist you.


Circomedia is committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding and child protection policy and procedures are in place to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from harm and abuse from others. All new employees are required to complete training in these areas and obtain an enhanced DBS disclosure in teaching, tutoring, volunteering and support roles. 

Youth Circus ages 4 to 7 years