Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Younger children will need supervision, as this task involves PVA glue and felt tip pens.

In Circus Costume 2, Tilly shows you how to make your own circus t-shirt! Using a variation of batik technique – using glue/toothpaste rather than wax – you can make your own fantastic design.

Create your own design – a simple design is best – and then draw it onto your t-shirt.

Then, you’ll be using PVA glue – or even toothpaste – to draw over this design. Once it’s dry, paint over the design using acrylic paint and leave it to dry. Once you’ve soaked off the glue, you’ll have a relief outline of your image!

This is a simple and really fun way to customise your own t-shirt or other clothing item. Children of any age can try this, with parents’ help, and you can be as ambitious as you like.

We can’t wait to see your designs when we get back to class!

You can see all of our videos and activities here.