Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: For practicing any of these club tricks make sure you have plenty of height and are working in wide, open space. You should also make sure you have done a good warm up, especially for your wrists.

In this tutorial one of our Mynah students catalogues a series of his club tricks that you can learn. This video was made by our student for our Virtual Showcase in May, but we thought it was so well edited and demonstrated such a good variety of tricks that we would share it with you as another home edition tutorial.

In this video you see a wide variety of different club tricks to give some inspiration for what move you could learn next.

Why not learn how to club balance? Place one club on top of another before tossing it up into a cascade. You can practice this with peacock feathers or spinning plates as well.

Then see a demonstration of how to pirouette while juggling. This trick is useful for all types of juggling, whether its cigar boxes, diablo, or clubs.

Up next is the shower. Learn how to make your clubs do a double spin. While the double spin is more specific to club tricks, the shower can be used with other props like rings and balls.

Next you look at the club trick ‘claw catches’. You catch the club before it has finished its full rotation and then send it back into its cascading pattern.

We hope you enjoy this fantastic demonstration of different club tricks and that it gives you some ideas for your next trick to try. For more inspiration why not check out Els video on no throw club juggling.

You can see all our juggling videos and other tutorials and activities here.