Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Be careful not to hit anyone or anything with your clubs as they can hurt or do damage. Make sure you have plenty of space.

Els shows you how to do a clubs 441 trick. 441 is a siteswap, which is a ‘numeric juggling notation…something something…’ – maybe just google it like Els did!

All you need to know for this particular siteswap is what a ‘4’ is and what a ‘1’ is. 4 is a straight double (two rotations of the club in the air) caught with the same hand that you threw it with. 1 is a simple passing the club to the other hand (no throwing). So, a 441 is a double, a double, then a pass from one hand to the other.

Els shows you how to build up to the trick in sections:

This is a very good trick for practising your doubles. To begin with, practice throwing a double and catching with the same hand you threw with. Practice on your right hand and your left hand. Then, put them both together – throw with your dominant hand first.

Next, add in the correct timing – throw the second double before the first one lands, in a ‘one-two’ count pattern.

Before you add the third club, do the same again with two clubs but add in a clap – so double, double, clap. This represents the ‘1’ that you are about to add in.

Finally, add in the third club which simply passes from one hand to the other. Throw one double straight up from your dominant hand, then one double straight up from your other hand, then pass the remaining club from one hand to the other

When you’ve got the hang of this clubs 441 move, try starting with your other hand. That way, you can repeat the pattern continuously – starting with a different hand each time.

If you’ve gotten really good, why not try adding a flourish such as passing the club behind your back? You can add this move to a solo juggling routine, and it also works in passing.

You can see all our clubs and other juggling video tutorials by tagging ‘juggling’ on our Youth Circus Home Edition library page here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: As always, make sure your juggling balls don’t hit anyone or anything, including yourself!

Today, Tom shows you how to do a juggling neck catch. This is a classic juggling move that looks great in any routine. The premise is simple – throw the ball up, and catch it at the base of your neck – but it may take a bit of practice.

Rather than throwing the ball behind you, throw the ball straight upwards. When you lean forwards, the ball will then come straight back down and land on your neck!

It’s important to look at the ball right until it’s at its highest point before ducking underneath. Throw the ball straight up, and follow it with your eyes until it’s at the highest point. Then, lean forward so that you are under the ball, and it lands on the base of your neck.

When it lands, tilt your head back very slightly and lean forwards a little. This cushions the ball and stops it bouncing off.

Don’t throw the ball too high, or it will hurt when it comes down! Throw to about the height of your own head.

When you’ve mastered the juggling neck catch, add in a cheeky look at the audience and a flourish to finish.

You can see all our juggling videos by tagging ‘juggling’ or ‘manipulation’ on our Youth Circus Home Edition library page here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Always make sure you’ve got room when juggling, and keep control of the balls so that they don’t hit anything – or anyone – around you!

Tom teaches you one of the most famous juggling tricks, Mills Mess! This three-ball trick uses underarm throws to create a wonderfully weaving effect.

To learn this trick, you’ll need to be comfortable with underarm throws and catches using both hands. Once you’ve got the hang of this, position your hands with wrists crossed and two balls in the upper hand.

You’re going to uncross and recross your hands, so that the ball that is on the top ends up on the bottom. As each hand moves, it’s throwing the ball it’s holding to the other hand. Confused? Don’t worry!

A useful thing to remember is that it’s always the same ball that is thrown underarm, every time. Tom shows you a slowed-down version of the trick, and also uses an onion (yes, an onion) to demonstrate this.

Once you’ve got the hang of it, follow Tom’s performance tips to really bring the trick together. Focus on that weaving motion that makes this trick look so fluid!

You can also try going into Mills Mess from a three-ball cascade with an over the top throw.

You can learn other juggling moves by tagging ‘Juggling’ on our Home Edition library page here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Always check with a parent before claiming a tomato or other food item for practicing contact juggling…

Els shows us how to practice one of the basics of contact juggling, contact ball isolations. This technically simple but visually effective trick is great because you can practice it with whatever round object you have at home. Ideally use some sort of ball, but otherwise anything works! If you have a ball that looks the same all over, this will help with the illusion of the ball floating as it’s harder to see that the ball is actually slowly spinning.

Contact ball isolations are achieved by moving your hands over a ball to make it look like the ball is staying suspended in mid air, and your hands are just moving around it. Els shows us how to use an ‘incy wincy spider’ motion to turn the ball over and over, using fingers and the thumb of the opposite hand. Keep the ball in roughly the same place at all times to get that ‘floating’ illusion!

It takes some practice to get the illusion right, but you’ll get there! Practice in front of a mirror, or show a family member (without telling them the trick!).

Once you’ve learned the basics of contact juggling, you’ll be able to create more optical illusions to wow your audience!

You can see all our tutorials here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Whether practicing diabolo basics or advanced tricks always make sure you have plenty of height, and a wide, open area to practice. Move anything that is breakable out of the immediate vicinity. And as Jono learns do not practice in high winds.

In this tutorial Jono introduces you to some diabolo basics. If you’ve never tried diabolo before, or you are a beginner looking for some pointers then this video is for you.

Jono starts by demonstrating the correct way to get your diabolo spinning. Start by deciding which way the diabolo will spin. The easiest way is to spin it the opposite way to your dominate hand. So if you are right handed, roll it to the left.

Once your diabolo is spinning you are shown how to keep it spinning. Gently bounce the stick in your dominant hand.

If it starts to tip backwards and forwards watch Jono show you how to correct it by using the strings to ease it back into position.

Now you have mastered getting the diabolo spinning you can start working on tricks. Jono demonstrates 4 tricks that you can try.

The first trick is ‘the throw’. By pulling your string into a tight line you can launch your diabolo upwards. Make sure to keep the string tight so that you are ready to catch it again. To catch it, simply point your stick into the as if you are trying to catch it on the stick itself. This way it will slide back down onto the string.

Next up is ‘the trampoline’. Similar to the throw, first you must pull your sticks apart to make your string tight. This will send your diabolo into the air. Jono then shows you how to bounce it along the string instead of catching it immediately.

After these first 2 tricks you can start practicing flicking your diabolo over your sticks, and making it run along your string. Both tricks are relatively easy, and Jono breaks them down so you can follow along with him.

And don’t worry if you don’t have a diabolo, because Rowan has ingeniously managed to build his own, and he’s going to show you how in his latest tutorial.

You can learn how to make other juggling and manipulation equipment as well as watch all our other tutorial videos here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: For practicing any of these club tricks make sure you have plenty of height and are working in wide, open space. You should also make sure you have done a good warm up, especially for your wrists.

In this tutorial one of our Mynah students catalogues a series of his club tricks that you can learn. This video was made by our student for our Virtual Showcase in May, but we thought it was so well edited and demonstrated such a good variety of tricks that we would share it with you as another home edition tutorial.

In this video you see a wide variety of different club tricks to give some inspiration for what move you could learn next.

Why not learn how to club balance? Place one club on top of another before tossing it up into a cascade. You can practice this with peacock feathers or spinning plates as well.

Then see a demonstration of how to pirouette while juggling. This trick is useful for all types of juggling, whether its cigar boxes, diablo, or clubs.

Up next is the shower. Learn how to make your clubs do a double spin. While the double spin is more specific to club tricks, the shower can be used with other props like rings and balls.

Next you look at the club trick ‘claw catches’. You catch the club before it has finished its full rotation and then send it back into its cascading pattern.

We hope you enjoy this fantastic demonstration of different club tricks and that it gives you some ideas for your next trick to try. For more inspiration why not check out Els video on no throw club juggling.

You can see all our juggling videos and other tutorials and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: This juggling technique is trickier than some of our others as your coordination for throwing and catching can change while lying down. Make sure you’ve got a clear space around you with nothing breakable nearby. Using softer objects like rolled up socks instead of balls can help protect your belongings and your face while learning. And remember to warm up your wrists first.

Elly teaches us how to juggle a 3 ball cascade while lying down. First you’ll learn the technique, then the pattern, and then you’ll be shown how to transition into it from a regular cascade to lying down.

You’ll start by practicing your single ball throws while lying on your back. You should be in a comfortable position, and not be holding tension in your neck and shoulders. To ensure a good throw and catch aim the ball at the ceiling directly above your head. Not too low and not too high.

Next Elly teaches you the technique for juggling 2 balls. Your balls should be making an X pattern in the air as they cross paths. Remember to throw them singly and not simultaneously. Try saying the order out loud to help you with the timing ‘throw, throw, catch, catch’.

After you’ve mastered 2 balls its time to move on to the 3 ball cascade. Pick up your third ball, and whichever hand is starting your throws should be the one with 2 in it. It will take some practice to be able to continuously juggle like Elly, but to help make sure to keep switching which hand starts with 2 balls as this will help develop the pathway.

Finally Elly will teach you how to transition seamlessly between a regular 3 ball cascade to lying down and juggling above your head and back up again.

Already mastered a 3 ball cascade lying down? Why not check out Val’s tutorial on Antipodism – foot juggling while lying on your back.

Or you could try some of Tom’s 2 ball juggling tricks lying down.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Make sure you warm up your feet and toes thoroughly – follow Val’s exercises below.

Val teaches us some antipodism! Antipodism is foot juggling whilst lying on your back – it;s great fun and you don’t need loads of space.

If you don’t have your own juggling balls, check out our earlier video on How To Make Juggling Balls.

First, Val shows us how to warm up our legs, feet and toes and stretch them out, increasing our mobility and flexibility. When you’re warmed up, you’re ready to start!

Then, Val shows us the correct leg position to start in. Once you’re in position, practice balancing the ball on your toes and move around to see if you can keep it balanced. You can also try balancing the ball on both feet.

Once you’ve got the hang of this, you can learn to throw the ball from your feet to your hands. Follow Val’s tips for keeping the ball in a straight line as you throw it.

Then, you can try throwing a ball from your hand and catching it on your foot! Again, follow Val’s tips for making this catch easier.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Make sure you warm up your feet before you start. This move is quite safe, but always be aware of your surroundings when juggling.

Val shows us how to do foot catches with a juggling ball! In this video, you’ll learn how to do a standing foot catch, neatly catching the ball on your foot as you drop it.

First, Val shows us how to warm up our feet with some exercises to increase mobility and dexterity.

Then, Val demonstrates how to hold the ball on your foot by curling your toes and raising your outside arch. Practise moving your foot around with the ball balanced on it first, to get used to the feel of it. You can also try to walk with it – why not have a race with a partner?

After these warm up exercises, Val teaches us how to kick up the ball, from our foot to our hand. Then, you’ll be ready to practice throwing the ball from your hand to your foot!

This will take a few tries – Val gives us some tips on common mistakes to help with perfecting your throw and catch. Remember to practice your foot catches on both sides!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Hats are quite safe to juggle with, but always be careful not to hit yourself or anyone around you when juggling!

Rachel K shows us how to juggle hats! You can use a proper juggling hat or bowler hat, or a regular baseball cap if that’s what you’ve got at home.

First, Rachel shows us how to throw a hat onto our head. She shows us how to angle the hat correctly and practice throwing and catching it first. When you’re ready to aim for your head, you can spot the inside of the hat to make it easier.

Next you’ll learn how to do a body roll with your hat. Rolling a hat along your arms and across your body looks very cool! Rachel shows us how to curve our arms correctly and flick our wrists to spin it across our bodies.

Both these tricks can be done with a juggling hat or a sun hat. Why not try other types of hats that you have at home? Just remember to ask the owner first!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Remember, clubs can hurt if dropped on toes – wear shoes to practice!

You’ll need three juggling clubs for this one. If you don’t have your own, you can order them online.

In Clubs 2, Els is back to show us another great club manipulation move, again with no throwing involved! This three-club windmill move looks really effective and isn’t too hard to learn. But, it will take a bit of practice!

First, Els shows us how to do the move with each club, flipping it up from between two fingers to your forearm and back down again. Practice this move in each hand a few times.

When you’ve mastered this, Els demonstrates how to move the clubs from hand to hand in the sequence. It will feel a bit slow at first, but practice lots, and you’ll be able to get really fast!

Once you’ve watched Clubs 2, go back and see Els’ other no-throw clubs move in her earlier video!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: These are quite safe to juggle with, but always be aware of your surroundings and try not to hit yourself with the boxes!

Jono is back with Cigar Boxes 2, showing you some more cigar box juggling tricks!

If you don’t have cigar boxes, check out our video on How To Make Cigar Boxes.

Today you’ll be learning some more complicated cigar box tricks.

First, Jono shows you a Shuffle Out, moving a cigar box from the end of the row to the middle of the row.

Next, you’ll learn how to Switch Ends, moving a cigar box from one end of the row to the other.

The third trick is called a Flair, where you spin each end block as you throw the middle block.

Jono then shows us how to do Take Downs and Take Outs, but this time with the box on the end of the row. If you haven’t tried these yet, check out Cigar Boxes 1 to try this trick.

The final trick is a bit trickier – you’ll be moving the boxes from a Stack to a Line.

Practice these tricks loads, and then try putting them into a routine! Maybe you could combine tricks from Cigar Boxes 1 and Cigar Boxes 2?

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: As always, keep your juggling controlled and check your surroundings.

If you haven’t got your own juggling balls yet, why not make 2 balls or more with our How To Make video?

Tom shows you how to juggle 2 balls in one hand!

There are multiple techniques for juggling 2 balls – the most common one is throwing one ball behind the other. But, you can also rotate the balls outwards, which is important for juggling four balls, or rotate the balls inwards. You can also juggle in columns – which, as Tom demonstrates, is the starting point for loads of cool tricks!

Once you’ve mastered columns, you can build up to the Yo Yo, orbits, follows, and even the Machine – although it may take some practice…

Remember, we also have videos on 3 ball juggling, and beginners’ juggling if you’re just starting out.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: This is pretty safe as cigar boxes are nice and light. As always with juggling, make sure that you’re well clear of anything that you could hit or knock over.

Now that you’ve made your own cigar boxes, Jono teaches you some juggling tricks in Cigar Boxes 1!

You’ll learn how to hold your cigar boxes correctly and stack them together. Then, Jono shows you how to do an Elevator, throwing and catching the boxes all at once.

Next, you’ll learn a 3 Box Flash and a Turnaround. Finally, you’ll learn a Takeout – one of the most popular tricks we teach. If you’re feeling really ambitious, you could try a Takeup too!

After Cigar Boxes 1 we’ll have some more advanced videos, so keep your eyes peeled.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: All Levels

Safety Warning: Supervise young children when using scissors. If you are borrowing DVD cases, make sure you have asked permission and stored the DVD disc somewhere safe first!

Jono shows you how to make your own cigar boxes – the ultimate Gentleman Juggler prop – using just a few household items!

Cigar boxes are lightweight blocks for juggling, and can be used by jugglers of all ages and abilities. They are simple and easy to make. All you need is some empty DVD cases, and some elastic bands to hold them together.

But, if you want to get a bit more creative, you can cover the boxes with some wrapping or brown paper and personalise it! We’d love to see your personalised boxes – why not send us a picture?

In his next video, Jono shows you some juggling tricks with your new cigar boxes!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: This one’s pretty safe, but make sure you follow Alan’s instructions on controlling your juggling to avoid hitting or knocking anything. It’s always best to practice in a clear space where possible.

Alan shows you how to juggle with 3 balls! This is the next step once you’ve mastered scarf juggling, so if you haven’t tried this yet, go back and watch Alan’s 3 Scarves video first.

You’ll learn how high to throw your juggling balls, and then Alan will show you how to throw 2 balls first in a crossover pattern.

Once you’ve practised this, you’ll learn how to throw 3 balls at once in a 1-2-3 pattern, letting them fall on the floor to practice the throws. You’ll build up, catching another ball each time. Soon, you’re throwing and catching all three balls!

This will take practice – don’t be disheartened if it takes you a while to get it. Remember that throwing and dropping is a great way to learn!

If you want some variety, Alan also shows you how to juggle 2 balls in one hand. You can mix this up as good hand-eye coordination practice – and you might even get to juggling 4 balls!

Alan also talks you through some common mistakes, such as juggling too high, juggling with the 3 balls too close together, and moving hands backwards and forwards.

We’ll soon have more advanced tricks from Els and Tom, so keep your eyes out! You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Clubs can cause damage, and can hurt if you drop them on your toes! Even though you’re not throwing the clubs in this move, be careful when you’re handling them. You don’t need lots of space but it’s always best to practice in a clear space.

Els shows you a no-throw clubs juggling move – the ‘violins’ move! This is a great visual move that doesn’t involve throwing. But, the catching is quite tricky!

You need your own set of juggling clubs for this one, but you don’t need to be able to juggle with them. This move is all about tucking the club under your chin, and dropping and catching it.

Els demonstrates the chin hold and hand placement for catching. She shows you how to transition from one club to the other, and then how to add in the third club!

As with many juggling moves, it’s easiest to start with 1 club and build up.

Remember that it can take time to learn these tricky manipulation moves. Don’t give up if you don’t get it straight away!

If you don’t have your own set of clubs yet, why not order them online?

You can view all of our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: This one’s pretty safe, but keep an eye on flailing arms as you practice this one!

Alan shows you how to take the next step and juggle 3 scarves! If you haven’t watched our Beginners’ Juggling video, you might find it helpful to go back and watch this first. You’ll learn a 2 Scarf pattern here, but Alan will also recap in this video for you.

Once you’re ready for 3 scarves, Alan will teach you how to build up to a cascade pattern in manageable steps. He shows you three patterns, building up the catches in each one, until you can do a full juggle!

Remember, in juggling it’s actually much more important to throw than to catch. So, don’t worry if you drop the scarves whilst you’re learning!

If you don’t have juggling scarves, you can do this trick with any light scarves or handkerchiefs you have. Or, you can use other objects like napkins or even plastic bags!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty Level: Easy

Safety warning: Even soft things can hurt or break things – keep control of your juggling balls and use a clear space where possible. Don’t try balancing big objects straight away – work up to it!

Juggling and balancing objects is an easy and fun indoors task – learn the basics with Alan and Tom!

Beginners’ Juggling 1 is aimed at our students aged 4-8 but is also perfect if you’re older but haven’t done much juggling before, or want to brush up on the basics!

Alan shows you how to juggle with scarves (and home alternatives) and juggling balls – if you don’t have your own, watch our How To Make Juggling Balls video!

Alan and Tom then look at balancing objects on your hands and other body parts. Remember:

Make sure an adult is supervising
Ask permission before borrowing household objects to balance on your face!

You can see all our Youth Circus Home Edition videos here.

Difficulty: Suitable for all levels

Safety Warning: Younger viewers should get a grown-up to help, as this one involves some simple sewing.

Don’t have your own juggling balls at home? No problem! Alice shows you how to make your own from things you can easily find around the house.

It’s true that the pros can juggle with just about anything, but if you’re learning the basics we suggest using juggling balls. You can make your own with a pair of socks (ask before repurposing the laundry) and any kind of weighty filling like dry rice or lentils.

Alice takes you through how to create neat juggling balls that won’t unravel, with simple stitches to keep everything in place.

Once you’ve made them, start with Beginners’ Juggling to learn some tricks!

You can see all our Youth Circus Home Edition videos here.