Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: As always, make sure you have plenty of space so that you don’t hit anyone or anything with your hula hoop.

Elly shows you how to do a hula hoop elevator skip! Start by placing the hoop on the floor, out to one side of your body. Step your leg into the hoop from the front to the back (if you step in the other way, the trick won’t work).

Next, fold the hoop across your body towards the opposite hip and catch it in your other hand. As you do this, step your second leg into the hoop as well. Next, fold the hoop up over your head and all the way down to the floor. Keep your hand close to your hip and use your wrist to fold the hoop over your head.

Then, jump or step both legs inside the hoop. Lift the hoop up to waist height and push it around to start waist spinning. Your hula hoop elevator skip is complete! You can pull the hoop out to the side to get more momentum, and add a turn to help the hoop spin around your waist and make it look more fancy.

We’ve got lots of different hula hoop trick videos – you could learn more, and create a routine! Tag ‘hula hoop’ or ‘manipulation’ on our Youth Circus Home Edition library page here to find them.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: As always, make sure your juggling balls don’t hit anyone or anything, including yourself!

Today, Tom shows you how to do a juggling neck catch. This is a classic juggling move that looks great in any routine. The premise is simple – throw the ball up, and catch it at the base of your neck – but it may take a bit of practice.

Rather than throwing the ball behind you, throw the ball straight upwards. When you lean forwards, the ball will then come straight back down and land on your neck!

It’s important to look at the ball right until it’s at its highest point before ducking underneath. Throw the ball straight up, and follow it with your eyes until it’s at the highest point. Then, lean forward so that you are under the ball, and it lands on the base of your neck.

When it lands, tilt your head back very slightly and lean forwards a little. This cushions the ball and stops it bouncing off.

Don’t throw the ball too high, or it will hurt when it comes down! Throw to about the height of your own head.

When you’ve mastered the juggling neck catch, add in a cheeky look at the audience and a flourish to finish.

You can see all our juggling videos by tagging ‘juggling’ or ‘manipulation’ on our Youth Circus Home Edition library page here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Always make sure you have enough space around you, and be careful not to hit anything or anyone with your diabolo – including yourself!

Alan shows you how to do another brilliant diabolo trick – the diabolo magic knot!

First, you need to make sure your diabolo is spinning nice and fast. When it’s spinning well, point your left-hand stick straight across your body so that it’s pointing over to the right.

Bring the right-hand stick up and around behind the left-hand stick so that it goes over the top of the left-hand stick, bringing the string with it. Bring it down in front – now it will be looped over the top of the horizontal left-hand stick. Continue so that the string goes down and around the axle of your diabolo from the right-hand side.

Then, bring it back around, up and over the left-hand stick from the front this time, and then around the diabolo axle from the left-hand side.

Your left-hand stick always stays in the same position, with your right-hand stick doing the journeying.

To release the diabolo, throw it up in the air and point both sticks slightly upwards – this lets the strings slip off the sticks and releases the knot. Alternatively, you can point both sticks down towards the ground to release the diabolo back to its original position.

It sounds tricky, but Alan shows you the diabolo magic knot a number of times. Watch in slow motion, and from an over-the-shoulder view, so that you can get the hang of it!

You can see all our diabolo videos by tagging ‘diabolo’ or ‘manipulation’ on our Youth Circus Home Edition library page here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Make sure you have enough space so that you don’t knock anything over or hit anyone with your poi. Also, be careful of hitting yourself with your own poi!

Els shows you how to do poi turns, a simple but visually effective trick for poi learners. To achieve this trick, you’ll spin your poi backwards and then turn 180 degrees and switch to spinning your poi forwards.

Els breaks down the trick into its separate components. First, practice spinning the poi forwards, both at the same time, one on each side of the body. Next, practice spinning the poi backwards in exactly the same way.

To turn, start spinning backwards. Stop the poi spinning by dropping them behind your shoulders – raise your arms up and over your shoulders. Turn, then start spinning the poi forwards. Once you’ve got the hang of this, speed up the stop and turn to make it a smooth motion.

Next, Els shows you how to start from spinning the poi forwards. From spinning forwards, bring both poi to the front, turn, and switch to spinning backwards. A harder variation is to bring the poi behind your back in order to switch from forward to backward spinning.

When you’ve mastered the basics of poi turns, you can switch between the two as many times as you like!

You can see all our poi tutorials by tagging ‘poi’ on our library homepage here!

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Make sure you have plenty of space when hula hooping – remember that they can not only knock things over, but they’ll hurt if you hit yourself or somebody else!

Elly shows you the basics of hand hooping, and teaches you a swapping hands trick to create a hand hoop ‘W’ in the air!

First, start off by learning how to keep the hoop spinning on your hand. Use a right angle hand shape so that your thumb keeps the hoop from slipping further up your arm. Move your whole body up and down to keep the momentum!

Practice catching the hoop and changing direction. Practice on both hands, then learn how to swap hands. Bring your free hand alongside your hooping hand, like you’re clapping your hands together. Then, withdraw your original hand and voila!

When you’ve got the hang of this, you can make a smooth hand hoop ‘W’ shape by doing one spin on each hand before swapping. It looks really cool and is an easy and fun trick to learn!

You can learn other hula hooping tricks by tagging ‘hula hoop’ in our Home Edition library.

View all of our tutorials here.

What’s It All About?

Circomedia Youth Circus Home Edition is a series of online tutorials and activities from your favourite Circomedia Youth Circus tutors!

Developed during national lockdowns in 2020, these circus activities are safe and easy to do in your own home. You’ll find juggling, balancing, acrobatics, strength & skill exercises, arts and crafts and more.

There’s something for every age and skill level, and our expert tutors give you tips for safety and proper technique in each video. You don’t even need your own equipment – we’ll show you how to make some!

Circomedia Youth Circus Home Edition – DO try this at home!

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Make sure you have plenty of room, especially when throwing and catching the diabolo!

Alan shows you how to do diabolo stick grinds, moving the diabolo from the string to one of your sticks and keeping it spinning so it stays in place!

This is a great basic trick for students starting to move beyond just keeping the diabolo spinning on the string. You can practice at your own pace, and when you’re confident you can make the trick more complex!

First, Alan shows you how to move the diabolo from your string to the stick in your off hand. Once you have the diabolo spinning smoothly on the stick, hold your sticks at a right angle to one another, as Alan demonstrates. Raise your main hand up above your other hand so the diabolo rolls onto one stick and angle this stick slightly downwards so that the diabolo stays on it.

Alan then shows you some variations to make your diabolo stick grinds more complex, such as hopping the diabolo from one stick to another, or catching the grind from a throw.

Remember, it takes practice, and you’ll have to experiment to see what works for you!

Alan demonstrates with a solid-axle diabolo, but you can also use a triple-bearing axle diabolo.

If you need to brush up on the basics before mastering this trick, check out our Diabolo Basics tutorial.

You can view all our tutorials here.

Difficulty: Easy to Medium

Safety Warning: When poi spinning make sure you have plenty of space so you don’t hit anything.

In Poi Spinning 4 Jono demonstrates 2 new tricks; the Corkscrew and Turning.

Poi Spinning 4 begins by walking you through the basic pattern needed to achieve the corkscrew.

Starting with just one poi, you can practice spinning out the pattern; one circle above your head, leading into another circle across your legs.

Once you have mastered this pattern, you can add in your second poi. Start by following the seem route as your first poi, and then slowly start to separate out your arms so that the pattern splits.

If you want to try a simpler variation of this trick, Jono also demonstrates a fun sequence using one poi where you jump over it as it passes you by.

Next in the tutorial Jono demonstrates turning while twirling. This is an important part of poi spinning as it allows the performer freedom to start moving.

You’ll be shown how begin practicing by pretending to pass a tray of glasses to someone behind you. First passing them across your body, and then over your head.

Once you’ve mastered this technique it is time to put it to use. Why not go and revisit Elly’s 3 beat weave tutorial, or Sophie’s Butterfly video for ideas on tricks you can build into a routine.

For all our other tutorials, click here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Whether practicing diabolo basics or advanced tricks always make sure you have plenty of height, and a wide, open area to practice. Move anything that is breakable out of the immediate vicinity. And as Jono learns do not practice in high winds.

In this tutorial Jono introduces you to some diabolo basics. If you’ve never tried diabolo before, or you are a beginner looking for some pointers then this video is for you.

Jono starts by demonstrating the correct way to get your diabolo spinning. Start by deciding which way the diabolo will spin. The easiest way is to spin it the opposite way to your dominate hand. So if you are right handed, roll it to the left.

Once your diabolo is spinning you are shown how to keep it spinning. Gently bounce the stick in your dominant hand.

If it starts to tip backwards and forwards watch Jono show you how to correct it by using the strings to ease it back into position.

Now you have mastered getting the diabolo spinning you can start working on tricks. Jono demonstrates 4 tricks that you can try.

The first trick is ‘the throw’. By pulling your string into a tight line you can launch your diabolo upwards. Make sure to keep the string tight so that you are ready to catch it again. To catch it, simply point your stick into the as if you are trying to catch it on the stick itself. This way it will slide back down onto the string.

Next up is ‘the trampoline’. Similar to the throw, first you must pull your sticks apart to make your string tight. This will send your diabolo into the air. Jono then shows you how to bounce it along the string instead of catching it immediately.

After these first 2 tricks you can start practicing flicking your diabolo over your sticks, and making it run along your string. Both tricks are relatively easy, and Jono breaks them down so you can follow along with him.

And don’t worry if you don’t have a diabolo, because Rowan has ingeniously managed to build his own, and he’s going to show you how in his latest tutorial.

You can learn how to make other juggling and manipulation equipment as well as watch all our other tutorial videos here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: As always, be careful of catching yourself, or any surrounding people or objects, with your hoop as you work. Work in a clear open space wherever possible.

In Hula Hoop 3, Sophie shows you how to do an Escalator trick! This great move makes the hoop travel quickly up and across your body.

With the hoop to the side of your body, step the leg closest to the hoop through the middle of your hoop and back. The hoop is now on the middle of your calf.

Swing the hoop to the opposite side of your body, and step your other leg through. You can now bring the hoop up around your torso, over your other arm and head until it’s off your body completely.

Bring the hoop over your head and out to the side and hinge it to the front to catch in your other hand.

Practice it slowly a few times, and then start to build up speed. Eventually, you’ll be able to do it all in one swift motion!

Sophie shows each step of the move in this video, as well as showing you a handy side view.

When you’ve mastered this, you can try a slightly harder version of the Escalator by letting go of the hoop when you swing it across your body. Swing hard to give the hoop enough momentum to travel up your body!

Remember to stamp your foot through the hoop at the right time, to avoid hitting your shin when you swing the hoop.

If you had fun with Hula Hoop 3, why not go back and check out Hula Hoop 1 and Hula Hoop 2?

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Remember, clubs can hurt if dropped on toes – wear shoes to practice!

You’ll need three juggling clubs for this one. If you don’t have your own, you can order them online.

In Clubs 2, Els is back to show us another great club manipulation move, again with no throwing involved! This three-club windmill move looks really effective and isn’t too hard to learn. But, it will take a bit of practice!

First, Els shows us how to do the move with each club, flipping it up from between two fingers to your forearm and back down again. Practice this move in each hand a few times.

When you’ve mastered this, Els demonstrates how to move the clubs from hand to hand in the sequence. It will feel a bit slow at first, but practice lots, and you’ll be able to get really fast!

Once you’ve watched Clubs 2, go back and see Els’ other no-throw clubs move in her earlier video!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: This one’s pretty safe as the ribbon is soft, but be careful of hitting anybody with your stick by accident! If you are doing cartwheels whilst twirling, follow Rachel’s instructions carefully.

Now that you’ve learnt How To Make Twirling Ribbons, Rachel B shows you how to do some ribbon twirling tricks!

First, Rachel gives you some top tips for not getting tangled when you’re twirling your ribbon, by gripping your stick correctly. Then she shows you how to do small circles and big circles.

Next, you’ll learn a figure of eight. Rachel also shows you how to throw and catch your ribbon, catching the stick AND the ribbon!

Finally Rachel shows you the side to side. Now, you can put all the moves together into a routine!

Once you’re more confident, you can start moving around whilst you’re twirling the ribbon. Rachel demonstrates a cartwheel, but you can do anything – jumps, balances, spins, dances!

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: As always, make sure you have plenty of space and remember that hula hoops can hurt if you bash yourself, or others, by accident. If possible we recommend practicing outside!

Elly is back with Hula Hoop 2, to show you more hula hooping tricks! In this video you’ll learn how to move the hoop up your body, from your waist up to your chest This encompasses waist, chest and neck hooping!

First, Elly shows you how to hula hoop on your waist by pushing your belly button forwards and backwards, and engaging your abs. Then, you’ll learn how to hula hoop on your neck by moving from left to right.

You’ll build up to chest hooping by learning how to put each arm into the hoop when you’re neck hooping first. This is difficult, so don’t be discouraged if it takes a while!

When you’ve mastered this, reach both arms up to achieve your chest hooping! Elly also shows you how to start this from pushing the hoop from just under your armpits, or from the waist upwards.

Once you’ve watched Hula Hoop 2, why not check out Elly’s earlier video, Hula Hoop 1?

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: As always with poi, make sure you have plenty of space and won’t hit anything (or anyone!) with your poi!

In Poi Spinning 3, Elly shows you two variations on your 3-beat weave! If you haven’t yet mastered your 3-beat weave, go back to Elly’s earlier video and practice that first.

First, Elly shows you how to do a trick called Under The Leg. You’ll start with your dominant hand and just one poi, learning how to spin one of the poi under your leg on the third beat.

When you’ve got the hand of that, Elly will show you how to add in your second poi. Try with both hands leading to get really good!

Then, you’ll learn the Backwards Weave. For this, you’re reversing the direction of your 3-beat weave.

These are difficult tricks, so don’t worry if it takes you a few tries!

Remember, if you don’t have your own poi, Elly shows you How To Make Sock Poi in an earlier video.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Make sure you have plenty of space. Practice away from siblings, parents, pets, or breakables!

In Poi Spinning 2, Sophie teaches you a fantastic new trick called The Butterfly!

First, learn the arm movement – without using the poi – to get used to the journey of your arms. Then, you’ll gradually let your poi out and speed up your arm movements, until you are at full length.

Sophie talks you through hand positioning and how to bring the movement from your shoulders to your wrists to get that fantastic fast spinning motion! Take your time learning this move – it’s all about controlling your poi.

If you haven’t got your own poi, watch our How To Make Sock Poi video first!

You can also learn a 3-Beat Weave in our Poi Spinning 1 video with Elly.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety Warning: Clubs can cause damage, and can hurt if you drop them on your toes! Even though you’re not throwing the clubs in this move, be careful when you’re handling them. You don’t need lots of space but it’s always best to practice in a clear space.

Els shows you a no-throw clubs juggling move – the ‘violins’ move! This is a great visual move that doesn’t involve throwing. But, the catching is quite tricky!

You need your own set of juggling clubs for this one, but you don’t need to be able to juggle with them. This move is all about tucking the club under your chin, and dropping and catching it.

Els demonstrates the chin hold and hand placement for catching. She shows you how to transition from one club to the other, and then how to add in the third club!

As with many juggling moves, it’s easiest to start with 1 club and build up.

Remember that it can take time to learn these tricky manipulation moves. Don’t give up if you don’t get it straight away!

If you don’t have your own set of clubs yet, why not order them online?

You can view all of our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Easy

Safety Warning: Make sure you have enough space to practice your hula hooping before you start

Time to dust off your hula hoops and learn a four-trick sequence with Elly!

In Hula Hoop 1, Elly walks you through four moves that you can use to create a stylish sequence! Learn each move first and practice them individually, then string them all together and practice your whole routine.

First, you’ll learn Around The Back To Waist. Then, Elly shows you the Elbow Catch & Flip, followed by a Step-Through move. To finish, you’ll learn a Two-Handed Coin Flip. Add some waist hooping in between, and you’ll have your very own hula hooping routine!

Don’t worry if you haven’t perfected your waist hooping yet – you can still learn these moves and practice your waist hooping at the same time!

If you haven’t got a hula hoop at home, why not order one online? We get a lot of our kit from Oddballs Juggling (and they even have a handy guide to choosing your hula hoop) – but there are plenty of places to order a hula hoop from.

You can see all our videos and activities here.

Difficulty: Medium

Safety warning: Make sure you have enough space! When you practice lots, you’ll be able to control your poi and practice in a small space. But until then, avoid catching siblings, pets, parents and breakable objects with your poi!

Elly shows you some poi spinning moves that are perfect for learning and practicing at home. If you haven’t got your own poi, watch Elly’s How To Make Sock Poi video first!

In this video you’ll learn a three-beat weave. Starting with a two-beat weave, which forms the basis for lots of poi spinning, you’ll work towards three beats with Elly’s guidance. She also shows you how to make your weave look really good by polishing your technique!

You can see all our Youth Circus Home Edition videos here